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25 October 2023

Cybercrime can impact every organisation and individual in their lifetime. UC wants to help each member of our community be safer online because being a victim of cybercrime can have a serious impact on our lives. Loss of money and identity theft are just some impacts individuals could face. Learn more about cybersecurity at UC.


At UC we want to help each member of our community be safer online because being a victim of cybercrime can have a serious impact on our lives. Loss of money and identity theft are just some impacts that individuals could face.

We want to show you how you can better protect yourself online, so you know what to do if you have - or think you have - been hacked. The information and guidance being provided are intended to give every member of our community the skills to make themselves safer while using UC resources, in the workplace, or at home.

How to report suspicious messages

For UC Microsoft 365 Outlook users

Use the Report Message button in your outlook ribbon. You can find more information听.

Non- Microsoft 365 Outlook users

Create a new email, drag the phishing email from your email inbox and drop it onto the new email message. Email it to鈥report-phishing@canterbury.ac.nz.

Who do I contact for help?

Call the Service Desk on 03 369 5000 or 0508 UC IT HELP (0508 824 843) for advice.

Report it. If it鈥檚 been sent to you by someone at UC, they might not know their account has been hacked.

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